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The musings of Joseph M. Lenard (extension of @JLenardDetroit (on Twatter, CloutHub, Mumblit, GAB, Parler, MeWe, Spreely, Politichatter, RedState, BeforeItsNews, more)) Wyandotte Michigan (Conservative Constitutionalist Activist) though NOT just Michigan related (National and International items that effect us all present/welcome!
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Am I a RINO? Are You a RINO? Who are these CINOs/RINOs?!?!?

[ RePublished from: http://tinyurl.com/AmIARINO ]

You know the term: RINO! Republican In Name Only... Let’s examine it…

[Some of my Articles are quick, short and sweet to the point, others (LIKE THIS ONE) REQUIRE A MUCH LONGER AND DETAILED LOOK AT THE ISSUE AND SUB-RELATED ISSUES. Every word, every sentence, important to one or more point(s).]

So, first, let me likely throw something that will surprise you – let me now loudly and proudly proclaim: I AM A RINO!! But not the “traditional” use (usual sense/application) of the term…. SO, NOW, WHAT DO I MEAN BY THAT (is important to continue to read to fully delve into the overall and specific sub-concept(s))?

I am someone that has been engaged in Politics since 1978 and always opposed to FASCICRATS (whole other aside worth the side-track viewing: http://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS, and back then there were still some JFK style semi-Conservative or Moderate “reasonable” Democrats, but NO LONGER), but also…

I am NOT, never have been, never will be, a shill for just anyone and everyone that calls themself a Republican. Always about PRINCIPLES, not Jersey (though, yes, see where I talk about Reagan and “11th Commandment” below (and even a RINO (traditional use of the word) is better than a FASCICRAT, come General Election time) but Primary time is about THE BEST OPTION, and differences, not a coronation).

I am NOT, never have been, never will be, a hack for GOP and worried about being invited to all the INSIDER HACK POLITICO BLACK-TIE PARTIES! The "PARTY" I am worried about, is THE “PARTY” PLATFORM!

What I AM is a CONSTITUTIONALIST and a CONSERVATIVE, who is a GOP Delegate! (Again, you’ll see further down, doesn’t mean I can and am NEVER willing to compromise and work with others in an HONEST (key word) give-and-take, for long-term mutual benefit)

Those other Party options, like Constitution Party, Taxpayers Party, others, that indeed many times uphold CONSTITUTIONAL and/or CONSERVATIVE principles and values more than the GOP just do not and are likely not to ever amount to anything; therefore, to champion Conservative/Constitutionalist principles and values I must work WITHIN the Republican Party and true Conservative/Constitutionalist allies there-in when and where I find them.

Those of you who really know me; and those of you who don't, over time will come to learn.
Having said that, that because I'm a REAL CONSERVATIVE AND CONSTITUTIONALIST, makes me more REPUBLICAN (based upon the GOP Platform outlined "things the Party stands for" declarations) than 95% of those in Lansing! And, again, NOT a shill for the Party label, I have since 1978 been Fighting both the FASCICRATS and those supposed "Republicans" that seem -- to eagerly side with Democrats; repeat Democrat Talking-points; sell-out to Liberal Failed Policy furtherance rather than promoting Freedom, Independence, Self-sufficiency; Equal Rights, not Special Rights; Capitalism; etc...
I am and always will remain a CONSERVATIVE, NOT a "CINO" (Conservative In Name Only, mouth the words but not actually walk the talk)!

That DOES NOT MEAN that I am completely and always INFLEXIBLE, it is "reasonable" to want to "occasionally" compromise*, HOWEVER: ENDLESS SURRENDER IS NOT COMPROMISE, IT IS CAPITULATION, and makes one a Slave of/to the Party not an "independent thinker/agent," one who deals in "Logic and Reason" and applies those principles and values (PRINCIPLES, NOT PERSONALITIES or blind allegiance to a logo). Again, one HAS TO "OCCASIONALLY" make allotments of "cooperation" (which we all agree we can work together for LIKE GOALS) but here I'm talking about occasional actual "willingness to COMPROMISE;" give a little, to get a little, in return, but that means a real/true give-and-take, not always a ONE-WAY STREET in the name of "UNITY" the way Lansing DICTATES IT always on their terms. The Party is supposed to answer to the Delegates, NOT the other way around.
So, let me add: "occasional" compromise does NOT make one a HYPOCRITE (or a CINO/RINO in the traditional sense the term is used), constant sell-out DOES!

Having a disagreement with me on Policy issues, DOES NOT automatically make one a CINO/RINO in my mind, we can and will always have minor differences on Policy Issues and "Strategy" angles from time to time; however, to me and those I consider my closet allies: THERE ARE A COUPLE RED LINES regarding The Constitution, Due Process, and Rule Of Law, that when CONSTANTLY CROSSED, as I said before will call out Fascicrats and those who aid/abet them!

So, yes, in many respects, I AM A PROUD RINO!

And, I HOPE YOU WILL BE A "RINO" (in the sense I've described) too, and be a strong/solid ally of mine in the Fight for Founding Father principles/values, and opposing those who do not no matter what "team" they claim to be with/on!

I am, and I hope you are, about PRINCIPLES, NOT PERSONALITIES and/or not just promoting a Team logo when you would clearly otherwise speak out about "whatever" the issue if it were someone wearing those other Team logos.

This is NOT ABOUT TRUMP, as you’ll notice I did NOT mention him at all until just now and only do so now to say to those who think it is about him even though, again, I had not mentioned him until now. I mention him now because there are many that call to KILL THE GOP by creating a PATRIOT PARTY (I say, at least still “FOR NOW,” NO – as, yes, I know some ExGOP in Constitution (or other) Party now - I will stand and Fight within the Rules the Establishment made to protect their Power/Control until such time as we have sufficient Allies to over-throw them and get the GOP back on-track as I and my Friends see it, we have to have MORE REAL CONSERVATIVE GOP DELEGATES (see Article referenced down at bottom of this Article on “WHY CONSERVATIVES MUST BE GOP DELEGATES”)! Well, I already talked above about “Third Party” options, and mention that here to remind folks that DJT made clear during CPAC 2020 that HE IS NOT LEAVING THE GOP TO CREATE ANY OTHER PARTY that HE is going to Fight within the Republican Party. Which, if you missed it still, is one of my points!

This IS NOT about Personalities, but Principles. As again NOT ABOUT TRUMP but about HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF for those that have been Politically active for a long time like I have will recognize. It was the SAME THING following Reagan’s 8 years in Office. The Establishment Elites, Insiders, constantly alleged that what many of us saw as a VIRTUE NOT A VICE that The Gipper WAS AN “OUTSIDER” (even though he was CA Governor as a Republican before running for POTUS). Reagan was “an anomaly” and “not really what the Party was/is about!” Sound familiar?!?!? And I’ll be damned if I’ll sit idly by and allow History to repeat UNCHALLENGED! As, again, how many times do I and others need repeat: THIS IS ABOUT PRINCIPLES, NOT PERSONALITIES. About Constitution, Due Process, Rule Of Law, and those parroting DNC Talking-points, or even remotely engaging in/with and aiding/abetting Fascicrats, about/in the Impeachment farces, are not adhering to Party Platform “KEY” principles/values (as, again, we can/will always have some minor differences, we are a BIG TENT PARTY, but there has to be certain RED-LINES THAT CANNOT BE ALLOWED TO BE CROSSED without push-back or we are NO BETTER THAN UNPRINCIPLED SNOWFLAKE FASCICRATS)!

And, Please, spare-me the Reagan’s “11th Commandment” for those of you who know what I’m talking about, as it would/should apply to GENERAL ELECTIONS, and those that are my 75% Ally is NOT MY ENEMY tenants. You know those in the Party that are NOT REALLY CONSTITUTIONALIST CONSERVATIVES but Party Elite Insiders that just want to be “slightly right of FASCICRATS” and all about their maintaining power/control/influence in/over the GOP, DO SPEAK OUT AGAINST CONSERVATIVES MANY TIMES. I’ve given many examples, but I’ll just repeat one here: How many of you recall Rep. King of Iowa being stripped of his Committee assignments (just like they are trying to do with MTG) and all the RINOs (yes, I’ll use that traditional sense of the term here) that PARROTED DNC TALKING-POINTS of Trumped-up RACISM/RACIST accusations against him? And, he is now out of the Congress, and IMO, and that of those I consider my most trusted Friends and Allies in the GOP, was railroaded out of convenience of/by/for the Establishment BECAUSE HE WAS/IS A STAUNCH CONSERVATIVE VOICE. But, for the record, let me add, there may have been an occasional disagreement I may have had with King (and, don’t confuse him with the King from NY), as I DO NOT agree with virtually anyone 100% of the time. It isn’t normal/natural, to be someone’s CLONE (so to speak)! There is NOT one fellow Republican I have not had at least one minor difference of opinion on Policy or (at times, equally important) STRATEGY OPTIONS and direction we should take.

I could go on, there are plenty of additional things can be said (especially in the “Is the GOP a Party of Principles OR NOT” Article referenced below, that discussing much of this AND MORE) to add CONTEXT (as context of other comments, replies, posts, Articles, matters), but I’ll leave this here (reserving right to add more later should need arise in response to someone) and ask that you SEEK THE ADDED/ADDITIONAL CONTEXT via several specific items below (bottom) and if nothing else even a cursory review of all my Article Titles/Headlines as “fast” outline of my thoughts/concerns (though, be clear, I am a “writer” and had studied “Journalism” and wrote for a couple of Newspapers some items and understand the value of a GRABBER Headline that doesn’t always tell the full story (if in doubt, READ THE ARTICLE for full clarifications)).

*and if you check out my Articles from over the years; as I am willing to put my Words in writing, not just only vocalize so that like the Politicians we most hate, tell one person one thing and another something completely different to play both/all sides of Issues; you will see I have been willing to compromise, and that I am NOT PERFECT that I can and do make a mistake and willing to OWN UP TO if/when/where I later think that I may have indeed made a mistake in the past. And you saw me say about “working together” and “compromise” if it is HONEST GIVE-AND-TAKE for long-term MUTUAL benefit, not always one-way the Insiders Elitists way, for THE GREATER GOOD (and it is VERY IMPORTANT to note that I mean/say that in the traditional and real meaning, NOT the FASCICRATS twisted sense of the term (as the Left always twists/SPINS language (see related: http://tinyurl.com/forgreatergood)))!
https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles (B4IN: 2014-????) I no longer answer to ANY EDITOR or site dictates (B4IN is a complete FREE SPEECH site, so, yes, there are some “kook” authors there, judge on content of each persons’ pieces not others’ (see related: https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion/2018/12/when-they-cant-refute-your-points-they-resort-to-deflection-tactic-of-attempting-to-deligitimize-the-source-2461454.html)!
https://tinyurl.com/RedStateJLD (RS: 2008-2017) was happy to be part of RS for those years
and, sadly, some other sites I'd written for before 2008 that went by-the-way and those Articles lost.

[Article inspired by my Friend (AND ALLY) Gary (he and a few others will know who particularly, that I just wanted to give him this minor shout-out but not use his full name as the WHAT above is the important thing not the WHO involved that matters). And, sadly to, somewhat inspired by and a response to those in Lansing WHO HATE ME because I ACTUALLY BELIEVE IN ACCOUNTABILITY (that they just pretend to)!]

directly related items:

a few other odds-and-ends suggested review:
https://beforeitsnews.com/tea-party/2014/05/exposing-the-liberal-lies-that-voter-fraud-never-happens-2528294.html (old Rattle With Us TEAParty post of mine, RWU now gone but many of its blogs/forum items preserved at B4IN)

Regards, Joseph M Lenard (aka: JLenardDetroit)
(JLenardDetroit on Twatter (yes, still there (see related: http://tinyurl.com/SocialMediaNeverSurrender and http://tinyurl.com/TheMighty200Targeted)), CloutHub, Mumblit, Minds, GAB, Parler, Politichatter, Spreely, MeWe, LOCALS, Nextdoor, YouTube, Brighteon, more, Social Media Platforms (locally/Michigan: http://RescueMichigan.com)

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so what

"So you Voted?" "SO THE BLEEP WHAT?" as the old SNL Church-lady would say "Isn't that SPECIAL!" LOL [Yes, I mention CHURCH LADY cuz Sat Nov 16 I dropped my TheLibertyBeacon SATURDAY NIGHT (the movie) discussion piece!!!!]
WTF are you going do next 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, to help #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic) that is all but DESTROYED by The Left. Actual REAL ACTIONS; your own efforts, sacrifice, own blood/treasure; not just online WHINING, actions to make real difference? Took decades to get here, will take DECADES (and YOU as part of WE THE PEOPLE (v Those In DC) be continually involved to resolve! Our REVOLUTION was brought about by less than 1% of the Peoples under the Crown at that time.
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OK, perhaps it's time I introduced myself further to the LOCALS audience....

#Michigan #Conservative #Constitutionalist Activist (sums it up)

MORE about what you may want to know about me, via writings (and more detailed BIOs on those sites too (http://tinyurl.com/JLenardDetroitExtendedBio))...

B4IN (2014-????): JLenardDetroitB4INArticles - https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles

RedState (2008-2017) https://tinyurl.com/RedStateJLD

SSCE (Super Simple Computer Enterprises, my Computer company and Private posts sites by extension - 1980's - early 2000's) https://web.archive.org/web/20110530024904/http://www.ssce.net/Web-Articles/Web-articles-indexed-catagories.html (this lists other authors posted on my site too, my Articles are clearly marked and you can choose the LIST BY AUTHOR ("L" Lenard) to find just mine if you like.

vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkdRA7aHCzR4xcS1WsMnJjg/videos
(and what YouTube banned at) https://www.brighteon.com/channels/jlenarddetroit

MORE... MORE... MORE.... http://tinyurl.com/JLenardDetroitExtendedBio

INTERESTING.... GOOGLE always BLOCKS my B4IN and TLB articles
I have nearing a couple dozen now with https://tinyurl.com/JLDonSUBSTACK and #SUBSTACK seems to be helping BREAK PAST their BLOCK algorithms
at least for an occasional piece of mine to HIT there LOL

also related.... my stuff ALL BLOCKED by LeftoBet/GOOGLE
https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles (B4IN)

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