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The musings of Joseph M. Lenard (extension of @JLenardDetroit (on Twatter, CloutHub, Mumblit, GAB, Parler, MeWe, Spreely, Politichatter, RedState, BeforeItsNews, more)) Wyandotte Michigan (Conservative Constitutionalist Activist) though NOT just Michigan related (National and International items that effect us all present/welcome!
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Arbery Case WAS NOT the Zimmerman nor the Rittenhouse case - PERIOD!

Arbery Case WAS NOT the Zimmerman nor the Rittenhouse case - PERIOD! NOR the Floyd or Garner Cases... And how may the Smollette Case relate? Who is ANDREW COFFEE? CNN / MSNBC dare not let you know about that case!

Here we go again, #CNN and #MSNBC engaging in #SPIN , the #FACTS be damned. They will be WALL TO WALL with the #ArberyTrial as "#RACIST #WHITE MEN MAKING UP EXCUSE TO JUST #MURDER ANY AVAILABLE #BLACK MAN" and ALL WHITE MEN think that way and would do same if they could nonsense... This was NOT like #Zimmerman , they clearly did NOT demonstrate that #Arbery was HOPPED UP ON DRUGS and seemingly inpervious to pain, and THREE MEN therefore could NOT subdue a Criminal (like we've seen in many Cases where even TRAINED COPS unable to subdue someone*) to effect a "Citizens Arrest" but in fact #GUILTY of #EXCESSIVEFORCE . I have NO REASON to question the #JURY finding on this, the Defense unable to show THAT was case. Just commenting on THE ENDLESS #RACEBAITING the Left will continue to INSIST IT IS w/o actual #EVIDENCE ! Unlike with #Rittenhouse UNDER SEIGE by a #VIOLENT #MOB nor #Zimmerman who was ATTACKED by KNOWN CRIMINAL (he/him alone) left to then DEFEND HIMSELF vs a Criminal we know was fleeing a Crime scene. Let us just for SAKE OF ARGUMENT say he had broke into a Construction Yard, unless the THREE MEN could demonstrate above they had no choice but to SHOOT in order to PROTECT THEIR OWN LIVES, shooting him was clear unnecessary force and a WRONGFUL DEATH.

And, of course, THE LEFT relishes the situation now, cuz they can FLAUNT THE RACE BAITING NARRATIVE rather than FACTS around the CASE, and especially ignore the MUSLIM BLACK GUY who due to SOFT ON CRIME left policies was out to RUN DOWN INNOCENT PEOPLE AT A PARADE!

  • The most famous, of late ( #FACTSmatter ) ...
    ERIC GARNER, no he was NOT hopped up on Drugs but was RESISTING ARREST and FIGHTING (and he was a BIG GUY), and NO he did NOT die from strangulation (his Obesity caused him to have a heart-attack during over-exerting himself from the struggle HE STARTED). STOP THE LIES.
    GEORGE FLOYD, was hopped up on Drugs RESISTING ARREST hard to subdue and NO HE DIDN'T DIE OF STRANGULATION EITHER (again, situation OF ONLY HIS OWN MAKING and could have easily avoided)!
    The ARBERY CASE was NOT THESE! This case was clear DECIDING TO KILL SOMEONE under false-pretense (just cuz they didn't want "non-Residents" wandering around their Neighborhood)! You'll note the MSM will not play the usual WHAT IF THE ROLES WERE REVERSED games they always do - which brings us back to the Christmas Parade MURDERS they quickly want scrubbed from their Airwaves cuz it DOES NOT FIT THEIR --- ALL WHITE PEOPLE**, AND ONLY WHITE PEOPLE, ARE #RACIST! --- narrative(s)!

** ignoring the FACT that 11 of the 12 Jurors who found the WHITE GUYS Guilty were/are WHITE! Despite the endless cries from Left that ALL WHITES and ESPECIALLY ALL WHITES IN THE SOUTH are RACIST, if true they would have LET THEM OFF! But, the Left loons that watch CNN and MSNBC cannot engage their empty-heads with LOGIC AND REASON only about EMOTIONAL HYSTERICS!

If only there was still some CLASSIC BOOKS in Schools to address ACTUAL RACISM and ISSUES OF REAL JUSTICE like Huck Finn and To Kill A Mockingbird -- those and more replaced with CRITICAL RACE THEORY propaganda manure to NOT teach about HATE and that it is about INDIVIDUALS (like the INDIVIDUALS in the Arbery Case, or the Christmas Parade that the Left's policy of letting HARDENED CONVICTED CRIMINALS BE FREE FROM JAIL TO COMMIT MORE CRIMES/attacks) but instead CRT manure painting and tainting Children with ridiculous implanting of RACISM (painting/tainting ALL with BROAD BRUSHES) into their Brains to pollute them and divide rather than (as we had, use those Classics to engage in HONEST DISCUSSION to) TEACH and UNITE.

And, of course, still trying to hide the MANY Smollette FAKE HAKE CRIME cases vs examples of REAL LOVE and People coming together - see related: https://tinyurl.com/ActualLoveVsFakeHateClaims

The LEFT only has CERTAIN CASES, that fit their narrative, they are NEVER CAPABLE of having an HONEST CONVERSATION about HOW THEY ALL INTERACT AND RELATE OR NOT! Certain stories CNN / MSNBC prefer, cuz they are PROPAGANDA OUTLETS not real NEWS outlets.

And, of course, ANDREW COFFEE, they cannot talk about ANDREW COFFEE, acquitted like Kyle due to #RULEOFLAW the WHOLE LAW and SITUATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES and EVIDENCE of each and every SEPARATE CASE... That BLACK MAN's ACQUITTAL (rather than conviction so they could SPIN as MODERN DAY LYNCHING) must be avoided AT ALL COSTS!

see related: https://tinyurl.com/ActualLoveVsFakeHateClaims

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Send CINOs/RINOs a monopoly money message

Send CINOs/RINOs a monopoly money message vlog!
This tells them more than you just hanging up on their Calls, use their postage-paid reply to envelopes against them!
more in attached vlog.

DOGE update

#CTP S2EFebSpecial2 Unmasking #Government #Secrets: #Accountability in the #Shadows - #Soundbite

full #show....
#audio only: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/episodes/16606867-ctp-s2efebspecial2-unmasking-government-secrets-accountability-in-the-shadows

so what

"So you Voted?" "SO THE BLEEP WHAT?" as the old SNL Church-lady would say "Isn't that SPECIAL!" LOL [Yes, I mention CHURCH LADY cuz Sat Nov 16 I dropped my TheLibertyBeacon SATURDAY NIGHT (the movie) discussion piece!!!!]
WTF are you going do next 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, to help #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic) that is all but DESTROYED by The Left. Actual REAL ACTIONS; your own efforts, sacrifice, own blood/treasure; not just online WHINING, actions to make real difference? Took decades to get here, will take DECADES (and YOU as part of WE THE PEOPLE (v Those In DC) be continually involved to resolve! Our REVOLUTION was brought about by less than 1% of the Peoples under the Crown at that time.
See related items:
BeforeItsNews: Remember Contract With America? NOW We the People (post-election) Demand List...

How Good You Have It In America
How Good You Have It In America
OK, perhaps it's time I introduced myself further to the LOCALS audience....

#Michigan #Conservative #Constitutionalist Activist (sums it up)

MORE about what you may want to know about me, via writings (and more detailed BIOs on those sites too (http://tinyurl.com/JLenardDetroitExtendedBio))...

B4IN (2014-????): JLenardDetroitB4INArticles - https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles

RedState (2008-2017) https://tinyurl.com/RedStateJLD

SSCE (Super Simple Computer Enterprises, my Computer company and Private posts sites by extension - 1980's - early 2000's) https://web.archive.org/web/20110530024904/http://www.ssce.net/Web-Articles/Web-articles-indexed-catagories.html (this lists other authors posted on my site too, my Articles are clearly marked and you can choose the LIST BY AUTHOR ("L" Lenard) to find just mine if you like.

vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkdRA7aHCzR4xcS1WsMnJjg/videos
(and what YouTube banned at) https://www.brighteon.com/channels/jlenarddetroit

MORE... MORE... MORE.... http://tinyurl.com/JLenardDetroitExtendedBio

INTERESTING.... GOOGLE always BLOCKS my B4IN and TLB articles
I have nearing a couple dozen now with https://tinyurl.com/JLDonSUBSTACK and #SUBSTACK seems to be helping BREAK PAST their BLOCK algorithms
at least for an occasional piece of mine to HIT there LOL

also related.... my stuff ALL BLOCKED by LeftoBet/GOOGLE
https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles (B4IN)

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Ads will be....

James Bond?
No, just Bond!


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