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The musings of Joseph M. Lenard (extension of @JLenardDetroit (on Twatter, CloutHub, Mumblit, GAB, Parler, MeWe, Spreely, Politichatter, RedState, BeforeItsNews, more)) Wyandotte Michigan (Conservative Constitutionalist Activist) though NOT just Michigan related (National and International items that effect us all present/welcome!
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Copy of email to former WAAM Radio host....

As the saying goes: The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Sadly a lot of people involved with these new Michigan Groups (like GOFM, RFM, SUM, more) are dangerous newcomers with GOOD INTENTIONS but Politically unsophisticated and UNWILLING TO LEARN how they are actually USEFUL IDIOTS and PAWNS helping BIGGER GOVERNMENT and/or THE LEFT (or at times the Left's RINO Big Govt allies who also want and thrive on Big Govt expansion).

Just like you helped shoot down the Katherine Henry FARCE (Shows attached below) that conceded ground to BIGGER GOVT the new Unlock Michigan one does the same, as we discussed at the LATP meeting.

I just had a ZOOM CALL with CFFS (Citizens For Free Speech) and tried explaining sometimes doing something is WORSE than doing nothing at all. Just like too with the HEARTBEAT COALITION petitions in MI (that also thankfully FAILED that would have WEAKEND Michigan existing ANTI ABORTION LAWS for when ROE gets over-turned). Heartbeat Bills MADE SENSE in SOME "OTHER" STATES but as the saying goes if someone jumps off a Bridge (unless you're wearing a Bungy-cord (LOL)) does it make sense to just AUTOMATICALLY UNTHINKINGLY FOLLOW?!?!

These Folks FAIL TO RECOGNIZE that while something passed in another State may be SOUND STRATEGICALLY IT IS NOT A SMART PATH/STRATEGY TO DO SO IN MICHIGAN cuz it actually sets BACK a cause, not help it. As was case with HB and RFM before and this NEW UnLock Mi 2 initiative now.

The Folks on the Call FAILED TO GRASP the simple analogy that I DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE ANY TIMES... BUT THEIR RESPONSE TO MY ANNOUNCING I AM GOING TO PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE 365 DAYS IN A ROW IS TO CIRCULATE A PETITION LIMITING ME TO PUNCHING THEM IN THE FACE ONLY 28 DAYS IN A ROW INSTEAD OF THE 365 DAYS --- WHEN I HAVE ZERO AUTHORITY TO PUNCH THEM ANY DAYS!! And that the REAL COURSE OF ACTION is to unseat Judges that GIVE ME IMPROPER AUTHORITY TO PUNCH THEM ANY DAYS! That Activist Judges drag out the process and refuse to uphold existing Laws and/or the Constitution allowing Government over-reach, and that removing them from Office is THE PROPER CAUSE OF ACTION not COMPROMISING WITH BIG GOVT GROWTH. Which now includes Justice Viviano who gave Whitler the work-around suggestion and willingness to hint that HE would go along with such Govt over-reach in the name of EMERGENCY POWERS that still do not exist after ONE proper ruling about her over-reach beyond the 1945 ACT that needed (and was a GOOD PETITION DRIVE) to be repealed.

Their response, well a Petition will be easier than replacing Judges.
they just want to be on record as DOING SOMETHING - the wrong thing, but SOMETHING!

I just had to vent my frustration, knowing you are one of the FEW PEOPLE actually GET IT!

I wish you still had your show to help shoot this down like you did the Henry nonsense and Phil/Bruce (with ART's ANTI ABORTION focus) did the BAD (FOR MI, not some other States') HEARTBEAT LAW PETITION when those were being circulated.

Seems we need to get folks to swear to a Politics hypocratic oath FIRST DO NO HARM just cuz you're hyped up and anxious for GOOD THINGS to happen (be sure it is GOOD, not actually HARMFUL, before proceeding)!

See too: https://beforeitsnews.com/tea-party/2019/06/michgan-heartbeat-coalition-new-prolife-law-sounds-good-but-here-in-mi-we-already-have-stronger-law-waiting-to-be-enforced-once-roevwade-over-turned-best-strategy-do-nothing-wait-2626062.html
and: http://tinyurl.com/RedPillStrategy
more: http://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles

Janice (show attached) buried the lead on the RESTORE FREEDOM MI (RFM) petition. The BODILY INTEGRITY (aka: MY BODY MY CHOICE where do we always hear that?) part of the HealthCareRights section meant to appease Vaccination CHOICE will be twisted (unwritten law of unintended consequences (laws are OFTEN twisted and distorted from original intent)) to enshrine ABORTION "CHOICE" (My Body my CHOICE dodge to hide terminating another life/body) into MI Constitution (which would then take precedence when RVW (under #14A) over-turned eventually)! PROLIFE people cannot support the Petition on that alone (among so many other concerns/issues)! You wonder why they tout "BIPARTISAN" support, the Democrats support it for this alone (our priority is Life, the Left's 1st priority is enshrining Abortion BODILY INTEGRITY Rights forever they don't care about anything else in the Petition)!

RFM discussed part 1: https://anchor.fm/janice-daniels/episodes/The-Janice-Daniels-Show-June-27-2020-eg1hak/a-a2iu0tf
RFM discussed part 2 (Sat 7/4): https://anchor.fm/janice-daniels/episodes/The-Janice-Daniels-Show-July-4th-2020-egacas/a-a2kfr1m
RFM discussed part 3 (w/ Special Guest Katherine Henry (2nd half of Show): https://anchor.fm/janice-daniels/episodes/The-Janice-Daniels-Show-July-11-2020-egkofc/a-a2makqc
more via my FB feed: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10158092970964279&set=a.10153114493479279&type=3&__tn__=-R

The best solution is always the simple one. Direct repeal of the 1945 law (which is why I whole heartidly support/endorse UNLOCK MI Petition initiative) ending the conflict in/of laws Whitler exploits. NOT several pages and thousands more words cluttering the Constitution (which is only one generic reason why I oppose RFM initiative (like bashing your Wall with a SledgeHammer to kill a gnat (Lawyers/Politicians always love to complicate bad law with more bad law)))!
MORE: new Petition to just repeal the 1945 Act she is abusing:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/standupmich/permalink/287908085882427/ (temporarily offline, #FascistBook is currently blocking the group (it is under appeal))

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Send CINOs/RINOs a monopoly money message vlog!
This tells them more than you just hanging up on their Calls, use their postage-paid reply to envelopes against them!
more in attached vlog.

DOGE update

#CTP S2EFebSpecial2 Unmasking #Government #Secrets: #Accountability in the #Shadows - #Soundbite

full #show....
#audio only: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2210487/episodes/16606867-ctp-s2efebspecial2-unmasking-government-secrets-accountability-in-the-shadows

so what

"So you Voted?" "SO THE BLEEP WHAT?" as the old SNL Church-lady would say "Isn't that SPECIAL!" LOL [Yes, I mention CHURCH LADY cuz Sat Nov 16 I dropped my TheLibertyBeacon SATURDAY NIGHT (the movie) discussion piece!!!!]
WTF are you going do next 2 hours, 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years, 2 decades, to help #ROAR (#RestoreOurAmericanRepublic) that is all but DESTROYED by The Left. Actual REAL ACTIONS; your own efforts, sacrifice, own blood/treasure; not just online WHINING, actions to make real difference? Took decades to get here, will take DECADES (and YOU as part of WE THE PEOPLE (v Those In DC) be continually involved to resolve! Our REVOLUTION was brought about by less than 1% of the Peoples under the Crown at that time.
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BeforeItsNews: Remember Contract With America? NOW We the People (post-election) Demand List...

How Good You Have It In America
How Good You Have It In America
OK, perhaps it's time I introduced myself further to the LOCALS audience....

#Michigan #Conservative #Constitutionalist Activist (sums it up)

MORE about what you may want to know about me, via writings (and more detailed BIOs on those sites too (http://tinyurl.com/JLenardDetroitExtendedBio))...

B4IN (2014-????): JLenardDetroitB4INArticles - https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles

RedState (2008-2017) https://tinyurl.com/RedStateJLD

SSCE (Super Simple Computer Enterprises, my Computer company and Private posts sites by extension - 1980's - early 2000's) https://web.archive.org/web/20110530024904/http://www.ssce.net/Web-Articles/Web-articles-indexed-catagories.html (this lists other authors posted on my site too, my Articles are clearly marked and you can choose the LIST BY AUTHOR ("L" Lenard) to find just mine if you like.

vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkdRA7aHCzR4xcS1WsMnJjg/videos
(and what YouTube banned at) https://www.brighteon.com/channels/jlenarddetroit

MORE... MORE... MORE.... http://tinyurl.com/JLenardDetroitExtendedBio

INTERESTING.... GOOGLE always BLOCKS my B4IN and TLB articles
I have nearing a couple dozen now with https://tinyurl.com/JLDonSUBSTACK and #SUBSTACK seems to be helping BREAK PAST their BLOCK algorithms
at least for an occasional piece of mine to HIT there LOL

also related.... my stuff ALL BLOCKED by LeftoBet/GOOGLE
https://tinyurl.com/JLDArticles (B4IN)

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No, just Bond!


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